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7th Grade Notebook

Student Notebook
7th Grade
Three Rivers, California, USA
2004 - 2005


e-mail questions or comments
to Teacher -- Mr. Lebsock


Our school is located in the small village of Three Rivers, California. The community is situated in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range at the entrance to Kings and Sequoia National Parks. 

Three Rivers School

It is at an elevation of about 800 feet above sea level. There are approximately 250 students who attend Kindergarten through Grade 8 on our campus.

In this notebook, we will be sharing pictures of our various classroom activities, and telling you a little about some of our special projects.

Mr. L
First, we would like to introduce you to our teacher and show you some pictures of our classroom and the school's campus.

Mr. Lebsock is our 7th Grade Teacher.  He won't tell us how long he's been teaching, but rumor has it he's somewhere around 400 years old.  We do know a few of us have older brothers or sisters who were his students too.

Slim teaches the class???


As you can tell, everyone in our class is an excellent student. No one would ever think of clowning around. Click our photo to enlarge it and see the proof.


Follow the links below to find out more about our classes or click on the subject titles on the chalkboard to see our special projects. Be sure to check back often. We add new stuff all the time.

write and tell us about your school. questions or comments?


Our classroom was built in an octagonal shape.
back of room
front of room
In these pictures you get a view of different areas the in front and in back of the room.
the office
Week 1 - thinkin' it over.

Mr. L's right-hand-man.

Takin' notes....

Another try... Ready
Now NO body move! Click the pic.